Color Trends

Do color trends grow on you?  I’m starting to realize that the longer a trend is around, the more likely I am to like it.  For instance, (at the risk of dating myself) I once swore I would never, ever use any color that resembled avocado green or harvest gold.  Now, I love yellow greens and deep golds.  I’m also warming to aqua and red.  I did not like this color combo at all when it first came on the quilting scene.  Now the quilt on my living room couch includes those colors.  I wonder how I’ll feel about Radiant Orchid in the future (although, I’m still not much of an Emerald Green fan).

By the same token, I loved the country blues and rose pinks back in the ’80s and now I can’t stand them.  My tastes have definitely changed a lot over the years.  Am I just fickle or it is a case of everything old is new again?  Is it that the shades that are available now are better?

Maybe it has to do with tastes changing over time, seeing things in new and different ways, or just getting used to different combinations.  I don’t know, but it sure keeps life interesting!  What do you think?

  • Marg
    Posted at 12:26h, 11 January Reply

    I liked aqua and red when it first showed up, and I still like it. I didn't like emerald and I still don't love it nor will I make anything in that colour, but I don't dislike it as much as I did. I don't love yellow but I do like the really citrusy citron yellow and the occasional mustard yellow. I'm pretty sure I'm never going to like dusty rose pink when it comes back into fashion. (Crossing my fingers that I'm wrong about it coming back one day.)

  • Pam Schoessow
    Posted at 18:43h, 10 January Reply

    I am with you on the color thing. I start to like something once I see it around long enough. I don't think emerald green did much because I really didn't see it around much. Also, I really couldn't figure out what other colors it was supposed to go with in say a quilt. Never did buy any.
    I never have trouble coming up with goals. But even though I am totally capable of accomplishing them, for some reason they just stay goals on paper. I haven't figured out the stick with it motivation part.

  • ChristaQuilts
    Posted at 19:10h, 09 January Reply

    Ha ha! I think we are allowed to changed our minds all the time. I'm with you. At first I wasn't crazy about aqua and red. But now it's growing on me 🙂

  • Jayne
    Posted at 14:38h, 09 January Reply

    I think if a color trend is around long enough it does grow on me. Except aqua and red has never for me! Both are great colors alone. It just never 'took' with me. Mauve is one color that actually makes me cringe! All that beins said, eventually what is old is new again-color recycle!

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