2009 Goals

Every year I set goals for my quilting. My goals for 2009 were:

1. Design and make 12 quilts.

2. Show a quilt at each of my local guild meetings (six a year).

3. Have my website up by March 1.

4. Work 100 hours per month on Esch House Quilts.

5. Make 2 SafeHouse quilts (my guild’s charity).

6. Organize my pattern “releases” to have 6 new patterns in the Spring and 6 in the Fall.

7. Attend Spring Quilt Market.

8. Go to Beaver Island Quilt Retreat.

Here is how I did:

1. I made more than 12 quilts, but only 8 new designs. Testing and refining the patterns took longer than I planned.

2. After joining the quiltpatterndesigners Yahoo group, I decided not to show my quilts until the patterns are ready for release.

3. Done! (although, it still needs a lot of work)

4. If I don’t count December when my Mom fell, I accomplished this goal. I worked 1188 hours this year.

5. I did not accomplish this goal. Our guild asks us to make one 60″ x 80″ quilt for this charity each year. This is the first year I have not done so.

6. I did well for the spring release, but not the fall. I made some changes in my testing procedures that I am happy with, but they slowed me down a bit. I will be able to plan better for 2010.

7. Yes! My husband and I attended Spring Quilt Market in Pittsburgh. I hope to be a vendor there some day and it was a wonderful chance to see what it is like before then.

8. I did not accomplish this goal 🙁 I love Gwen Marston’s retreat, but was not able to justify the expense in 2009.

I will post my goals for 2010 soon. In the meantime, here is the latest construction picture – floor joists!
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