near Atlanta, GA It's been tough getting to blog posts these past few weeks!  In the past five weeks I've been to Des Moines IA, Chattanooga TN, Asheville NC, Chesaning MI and Atlanta GA!  It has been so much fun, but also a little bit crazy...

Welcome back to the this month's Charity Challenge!  I must say, this month has been the biggest challenge so far!  I was out of town a lot in September and am away again now, so it has been difficult getting ready for Quilt Market at...

Maynard Plaza 2013 I've been listening to some podcasts featuring improv quilters.  I LOVE most of their work, but it isn't the way I work. It makes me wonder: should I be working this way?  Does my work need to be free-er?  Less planned?  Is improv...

Stellar Sorry for the off schedule blogging the last couple of weeks!  I've been out of town so much, it has really cut into the sewing time and made it hard to get everything done. I'm home this week and am gone again next week - part...

I'm thrilled to be part of the Machine Quilting with Style blog hop today!  Christa Watson's new book is chock full of amazing information about quilting your quilts on your home sewing machine. I don't recall exactly how Christa and I first crossed paths online, but...

I've been setting aside scrappy strips of fabric for a while now to make a rug for our bathroom. I came across the idea several years ago on Amanda Jean's crazymomquilts blog and then in her book, Sunday Morning Quilts. If you are having deja vu...

Lindaroo is the winner of the Good Neighbors charm pack.  She hasn't made a pincushion before so Amanda Jean's great fabrics are sure to be the perfect inspiration she needs! I had such fun reading about your pincushions (or lack thereof), I wish I could have...

Do you know Amanda Jean of Crazy Mom Quilts?  If not, you should!  She makes the most beautiful, charming and cheerful projects from scraps and is also the host of the ever-popular Finish It Up Friday linky party on her blog. And now, she's added fabric...