09 Sep Martha Stewart American Made contest
I met Heather Jones from Olive and Ollie last Spring when we went to the IQA quilt show in Cincinnati. I already knew Heather’s name well because she had won three out of the four Modern Quilt Guild challenges over the previous year! She has also had her work featured in several magazines and books and she has a line of great, modern patterns. Heather is a talented designer and super nice person.
Now, she is a finalist in the Martha Stewart American Made contest – so cool! Anyway, she’d like a little help for the Audience Choice part of the contest. You can vote for her once every day between now and September 24. If she wins, she’ll get a trip to New York and some other prizes that will really help further her quilting career. I hope some of you will be able to help her out 🙂
Posted at 20:44h, 13 Septemberof course i'll vote for her! i love her quilts and we need to support our craft! How nice of you to spread the word.