Giveaway Finale!

First of all, thank you so much to all of you who sent me good wishes in my battle with this cold.  I am making steady improvement.  My voice even sounded close to normal yesterday 🙂

I try to respond to comments left on my blog and this giveaway is no exception.  I have been having lots of fun reading through them and replying.  I’m not quite finished yet.  My responses tend to vary in length based on how many of them I have done in one sitting.  Early ones get wordier replies than the thirtieth one 🙂

Neutral threads seem to be the most popular quilting choices with white, off white, beige and grey being used by many quilters.  There was also a strong contrast and variegated thread contingent and a lot who said it depends on the quilt.  A few people said black, which I have never tried but will keep in mind for the future.

Now, drum roll, please!  Jennifer W. is the winner of the quilt!
Jennifer said “What a gorgeous quilt! 
I prefer neutral thread for quilting, but I’m up for contrasting thread if it seems to suit the mood of the piece.”  Congratulations, Jennifer!  I’ve sent Jennifer an email directly.

Thanks so much to the wonderful group at Sew, Mama, Sew for organizing this event!  Welcome to all my new followers.  I’m so excited to have you all here!  Posting here may be a little light for the next week or two as I try to catch up on Christmas sewing and enjoy some family activities.  Wishing you and yours the happiest of holidays seasons!

  • Lynne
    Posted at 06:14h, 19 December Reply

    Congratulations Jennifer!

  • Jennifer W.
    Posted at 17:04h, 18 December Reply

    Woo hoo! I'm so excited. This quilt is so gorgeous.

    I have a question about the pillows in your header. Are the words done in applique? If so, how do you applique letters like that and make them look right?

  • Teje
    Posted at 20:08h, 17 December Reply

    Thanks again for a great give away and your e-mail! Dongratulations to Jennifer! x Teje

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