I had some plans….

to stitch these blocks together this morning.  I have been working on this quilt for nearly four years!  Last week, at my Handwork group, I put the final stitches in the applique.  We meet from 10-1 every other Tuesday.  As 1:00 approached, my lovely friends started talking about where to go to lunch and packing things up.  I had about three more inches to applique, so I told them I was not moving until I was done!  Of course, they were excited for me to finish too.  I had brought the other three blocks with me and we laid them out to admire.  Their ideas about how to finish off the top were very helpful as usual.

My plan was to stitch the blocks together this morning so I could show all of you.  Unfortunately, I spent nearly an hour on the phone sorting out problems with my new cell phone.  This is the third call on this phone 🙁  Some days technology just makes you want to throw it out the window!!!

I took this picture with one hand while on the phone with the other.  By the time I loaded the picture into my computer, I realized I could put the phone on speaker and use two hands!  I never remember that I can do that.  Anyway, I have an answer to the problem – we’ll see if it works.  Now, off to the day job.  Hopefully, I’ll get to some sewing this evening.

  • Lynne
    Posted at 20:07h, 07 October Reply

    The finish line is in sight – can't wait to see it!

  • Marg
    Posted at 08:42h, 06 October Reply

    I can relate to hours spent on the phone. That's part of the reason I haven't been sewing very much lately. Technology is very frustrating when it doesn't work how it's supposed to.
    An intriguing peek, looking forward to seeing the top finished.

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