31 Dec Number two or number three?
I’m not sure whether to count this as the second or third holiday pillow as the last one wasn’t finished. I think “glow” is another good word for the holiday season. It makes me think of all the pretty lights on trees and houses and candlelight. Lights are high on my list of favorite things about the holidays. I sympathize with people who like to leave them up year-round because they are so pretty. But I also love the idea of keeping them special for the holidays.
These two are the only pillows in the series with words on them. I plan to finish the trees pillow today and that will be it for now. I designed two more that I really like and three that are not quite right yet. I hope to revisit these well before the next holiday season.
I have so many ideas running around in my head for upcoming projects – including finishing some I started that got set aside. I hope to spend some time tomorrow coming up with a plan for the new year. Though, I must say that I am pretty good at coming up with plans – not always so good at seeing them through!
My best wishes for the happiest New Year to you all!
West Michigan Quilter
Posted at 20:45h, 31 DecemberI love your pillows. I was looking in your esty shop and I really like your modern approach to quilts.
Quilt Inspiration
Posted at 16:57h, 31 DecemberWe are enjoying seeing your work with words and fonts in design ! We have always liked quilts that incorporate words along with other motifs. Keep on creating, and have a very happy New Year !
Posted at 16:44h, 31 DecemberLooking good – I can just see a range of 'mood' cushions being developed from this.
Have a great time welcoming in the new year, and all the best for 2011